CGI Featured Franchisee Cody Engstrom - Oregon

Meet Cody Engstrom!

Meet the newest member of our Color Glo family; Cody Engstrom. Cody and his family recently purchased their territory from long-time Color Gloers, Terry & Linda Hanson. Cody is not only the newest member of our Color Glo family but also of the grand state of Oregon.


In earlier years, Cody attended Portland State University followed by supervising one of the Industrial Finishes & Systems branches. Currently, he and his family reside in Oregon City where together, he and his wife, Tacia, are raising their first child, Everett who will be 2 on the 11th of this month!

life outside of color glo…

When Cody is not busy Color Gloing, he enjoys road trips, traveling, hiking, spending time with family, working and simply being around cars. Camping and visiting their cabin in Mt. Hood are also some of his favorite pastimes. When asked when he finds himself the happiest, Cody simply says; "Anytime I am with my family. Being around those who I want/enjoy surrounding myself with. Being around cars and car people. Being around good-hearted people to share stories."

Cody also shared that he gets a good laugh reminiscing on funny moments with others. Sharing good stories with others from past experiences - funny moments in life! He is very optimistic about the future; when asked what his Color Glo future looks like, Cody shared this with us; "eventually offer my franchise to my son/daughter”. Having them see how hard work and dedication can provide you with a life worth living and allow you to enjoy more of life being more financially free. To build a better business where I have employees."

At the end of the day

Cody is certainly a family man like all of you! While retirement is still a long way away, he is certain it will be dictated by where his family is. Where they are is where he and Tacia will be!

Welcome to the family Cody, Tacia & Everett!! We are excited to see you Grow and Glo with us and have we no doubt the future is very bright!  

Interested in owning your own Color Glo Franchise?

Samuel Koza

Website Designer and SEO Specialist.

The History of Color Glo International: A Journey of Excellence in Restoration


Color Glo International: A Shining Star in the 2023 Franchise Times Top 400