A Global Franchise Opportunity in 50+ Countries

Featured Franchisee Spotlight!

Meet Terry Laurin in Central Okanagan, Canada.

Terry Laurin

Color Glo Central Okanagan.
Serving the cities of West Bank, Kelowna, and Central Okanagan.

p: 778.215.4500
w: www.colorgloco.com

Some Words From terry

Terry Laurin is passionate about life. He has a career that he is rightfully proud of and a family that he loves.

It hasn't always been like that for Terry. His story unfolded with his interest in his uncle's Color Glo business. Glen Harris already had a successful Color Glo franchise. Glen's specialty was RV's. Terry saw the value in the business, and he is a craftsman. Glen was hesitant about working with family. So, Terry started looking into options... Glen, who would rather work with Terry than be in competition, took him under his wing. Terry went to see Darcy Huber. For 12 long days, Darcy put Terry through his paces. Then feeling like he was ready Terry took all that training and went home. There was an urgency for success, Terry isn't afraid to say he was deep in debt. Filing bankruptcy was not an option. So, he hit the street. Literally. Knocking on doors, asking for an opportunity, Terry used his newfound skills to earn $270.00 that day. He started setting goals, for earnings per day. $300, $500, $800, $1000.00 per day. He met his goals and then some. Terry quickly realized that the potential for earning is UNLIMITED. Every business or home has something that they didn't know could be repaired or reconditioned. IT CAN! He got the word out. Letting people know all the possibilities. Imagine the relief of the customers who didn't know you could fix the vinyl flooring in their home or RV.

Terry’s Success

Glen and Darcy are major mentors in Terry's career. His other mentor is Pat, Terry's mom. She is a Master Decorative Artist. She helped with color theory and paintbrush techniques that made it possible for Terry to match vinyl patterns so closely that the repair could not be seen.

Terry credits his success with being his own worst critic. He won't fix anything not worth fixing, "a repair is only as good as the sublayer". He is very honest with clients. He may tell them that it is better to buy a new one. Terry credits his gift of excellent customer service to working at his parent's Arby's location. It was a humbling experience, it taught him not to be afraid to talk to strangers. He is also willing to think outside the box. Using Color Glo products and techniques in new applications. He combines plastic welding and Color Glo techniques to fix window frames. Terry once used an ingenious technique to fix a small prop for a gentleman who needed a little help. Terry believes in giving a hand up, not a handout. He often cuts people a deal if they need it.

Family Life

Terry's wife, Brea, and his daughters, Cali, 14, and Cooper, 12 are the lights of his life. The girls play volleyball. As a family, they enjoy camping and boating, electric scooters, and traveling a couple of times per year. Terry has a passion for gold mining. He said if he ever won the lottery you'd know because he would be gold mining.

Dena Strelaeff and Len Messier

Terry knew he couldn't possibly fix everything in his territory. He has Dena and Len working with him. They are talented and professional, the perfect addition to Terry's Color Glo business.

About Color Glo International

Color Glo International is the World Leader in restoration and repair of leather, vinyl, velour, cloth and hard plastics commonly found in the markets of Automotive, Aircraft, Marine, and Furniture.  Formally incorporated in 1975 Color Glo began franchising in 1982. Today in hundreds of markets throughout the world. Color Glo products are proven every day to offer the correct results and best value every time they are put to the test.

We initially began our franchising in the United States and have since then expanded into Canada and 50 countries worldwide. Our focus is restoring and repairing common defects such as worn and faded interior components such as leather upholstery, headliners, burns, and broken plastic or composite molding. These problems are found in the interior of every automobile, RV, truck sports vehicle, plane, or boat in use today. See the MATERIALS WE SERVICE.

On-Site Service

  • Property never leaves the customers site.

  • Convenient for our customers.

  • Eliminates customer downtime.

  • Your property is always secure.

Permanent Lasting Repairs

  • Specially formulated proprietary water-based products used in this market.

  • Non-flammable & odorless.

  • Dries in minutes and usable same day.