Color Glo International is the world leader in the restoration and repair of leather, vinyl, velour, cloth, and hard plastics commonly found in the markets of automotive, aircraft, marine, and furniture.
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For more than 45 years, Color Glo International has been a global leading franchise opportunity, specializing in color and restoration in the Aviation, Marine, Residential, Commercial & Automotive markets. We have been ranked year over year as an Entrepreneur Top Franchise Opportunity in the following categories:
Entrepreneur Top Franchise Opportunity for Veterans
Franserve Fran-Tastic 500
Franchise Times Top 400
Franchise Gator Top 100
Entrepreneur Top Global Franchise
Entrepreneur Top Low-Cost Franchise
Entrepreneur Top Home-Based Franchise
Why Operate a CGI Color Restoration Franchise?
Buying a Color Glo franchise eliminates all the hard work: finding a location, negotiating a lease, hiring reliable contractors, and doing all this on time and within budget. When you buy a Color Glo franchise you are buying a complete turnkey business.
Restore vs. Replace
As a Color Glo Specialist, you will restore damaged leather, fabrics and plastics to new condition, providing your customers significant cost savings versus replacement - often up to 70% or more. Color Glo International Speicialsts also work on-site in people’s homes, office, dealership, or workspaces. Daily excitement for franchisees and convienace for customers.
Mass Market Opportunity
Our business model works in every market and in many categories. You can offer a broad range of leather and fabric restoration services or focus on niche categories where you can provide unparalleled service - such as marine, automative or aviation.
Boat restoration for marine vinyl and plastics by Color Glo International.
Franchisee Blog Articles
Great articles from the CGI blog to help you in your franchise opportunity search.