How To Care For Leather Furniture

Leather Furniture Care Tips

Leather furniture can be a large investment. Knowing how to maintain it is important in order to keep it in good condition for many years. Here are some DO & DON'T Tips for helping your leather furniture age like fine wine. 

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Leather Furniture Care Tip 1

Avoid household cleaners like oil soap to clean your leather couch or chairs. Though they seem harmless and like a good idea, they almost stain and darken the leather. Another mistake many people make is mild soap, like dishwashing soap or other counter top soaps. WE KNOW, they great on your hands and everything feels nice but it can actually remove the color on your leather furniture. 

And saddle soap... it's great for your son's catcher's mitt, but will wreak damage on your expensive, top-grain love seat. 

Leather Furniture Care Tip 2

Soap and detergent. NO. As mentioned above, we can use mild soap on our skin because our skin is still hydrated and alive. Your skin can replace its own oils and do its own maintenance. Leather furniture will quickly become brittle and dry when using these products. Applying oil afterwards will only stain the leather and double the damage. 

Leather Furniture Care Tip 3

Sunlight is also not your friend when it comes to leather furniture. As you know, sunlight can cause wear and tear on everything that you let sit in it for extended periods, whether that be months or years. If you feel as though you are too cold or too hot inside of a room, the so is your leather furniture. 

  • Avoid extreme temperatures
  • Avoid placing good leather products next to radiators or air conditioners. 

Leather Furniture Care Tip 4

Spills are the devil. If spills happen on your fine leather furniture, you'll want to blot them immediately using a clean terry cloth towel. If you don't have a terry cloth towel, then paper towels will work too. 

Sometimes we like to eat on our furniture while watching the television or enjoying company. If you spill grease or oil on your leather furniture, use talcum powder or baking powder to help absorb it. You can also contact the manufacturer or your furniture or visit an upper-end furniture store that may carry a safe cleaner. 

Leather Furniture Care Tip 5

How to treat brand new leather furniture. You can protect it right off the bat with a professionally applied protector. DIY enthusiasts may also want to tackle this themselves with an after-market product. There are plenty of after-market products out there. 

Our recommendation is to have your leather furniture professionally treated. If your couch or chair is older, you absolutely want to have a leather furniture cleaning service clean the furniture and apply the leather protector. This will ensure that you'll get the most mileage out of your new restored leather furniture. Check out these great examples of restoring leather furniture.

Color Glo international and Color Glo franchisees world-wide are specialists in color restoration and repair of leather furniture. Keep your investment for years to come. Revitalize your home and save money. Contact us today for more information. 

Original article posted at HGTV

Samuel Koza

Website Designer and SEO Specialist.

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